What in the World?!

The magic number is 6.

I did not grow up with America’s pastime. My dad grew up with soccer, and he desperately tried to teach me and my sister the art of soccer. I have fond memories of watching games with my cousins in Korea on my first trip there – sometimes 13 of us around a small television screaming “GOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLL!”

But soccer didn’t stick so out came the softball. And then came badminton. Somewhere in there was volleyball. “A” for effort, Dad! My sister was by far the more athletically inclined one, which actually doesn’t say much. Except for the Super Bowl Shuffle and the Olympics in Los Angeles and Korea, I was completely oblivious to sports.

But then girl who was living in Green Bay and was sent to cover tailgating at a Packers game because they heard I was from Chicago met boy and fell in love with boy who thankfully fell in love with girl. Girl and boy got married. Our “courtship” got us through football season and a good chunk of the basketball season. But I didn’t know that because boy never turned on the television or sports radio during said courtship. Girl found out about basketball season (and the playoffs) while trying to get “thank you cards” completed. Girl thought she had married a man who had a limited interest in sports. Girl was so very, very wrong. 

So through 15 years of marriage I have learned much from my husband who is a sports fan. Thankfully, he doesn’t paint his chest or face or any other body part for that matter. (We did paint a big purple and white “N” on our front window for our neighbor’s viewing when Northwestern beat highly favored Michigan State. I have since asked both God and our neighbor for forgiveness.) Peter really enjoys sports and is a great teacher. He can both watch a game and patiently explain to me what just happened. And just to show that I married a man like my father he, too, tried to teach me sand volleyball and racquetball. Again, “A” for effort, Peter!

Anyway, where was I? Thanks to Peter, the importance of last night’s no-hitter (thanks Milwaukee for being such good hosts to the Cubs and Astros!) and this afternoon’s win is not going unnoticed in this home. Corban is wondering if he can stay up to watch the playoffs. What in the world is going on? 



  1. Peggy E September 16, 2008

    This reminds me of a time when my 49er season ticket holding friend invited me to a game. I think I was around 23… and that was when I learned that the players for defense and players for offense were different people. Nobody ever tells you these things…

  2. Kathy Khang September 16, 2008

    Peggy E,
    I often wished that instead of closed captioning there would be an option to read an explanation of the game. Your comment made me laugh!


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